Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Middle of Day Two

Alright, middle of day two here. Last night I pulled an all nighter at the office and skipped dinner. Got home at about 7:00 A.M. and had to be in court early. Stepped on the scale to see an incredible 205.5 pounds. I lost 6.5 pounds on the first day. This is awesome because now I will not have to be on this diet but 5 days, then I can eat like a pig for 3 more years and do it again.

Obviously, I did not really lose 6.5 pounds in a day. Not sure what the other factors were to get this reading but it's better than gaining weight. Or, maybe my body is so used to processing obscene amounts of ice cream and beer that I didn't know how good my metabolism really is.

Starving around lunch today, went and ate salad bar with no carbs, lots of ranch dressing, and large amounts of bacon and ham in keeping with pork theme. I was gonna go to Cracker Barrell for pork loin and vegetables but knew if I went in there I would eat at least 4 pieces of cornbread. Was hungry five minutes after I left lunch, and I am hungry now. Went to Staples to get some envelopes and read the back of every piece of candy in the whole store for carb info but did not buy any. Looking forward to tomorrow and being under 200 already.

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