Thursday, September 3, 2009

Day 4 - Man cannot live on pork alone

Stepped on the scale this morning to a bittersweet 206.5 pounds. I think this is good.

Yesterday things changed a little. Boiled peanuts for lunch. But my balanced and delicious dinner which was cooked by my lovely wife consisted of salmon cakes, pinto beans, and brocolli with mushrooms. I also ate yogurt and berries before going to sleep. Lot of carbs here but the positive is, I don't think ALL of the 5.5 pounds I have lost 3 days into this experiment are glycogen and water.

The main purpose here is to evolve this diet into something tolerable for a regular dude that is not the equivalent of torture. I want to lose at lot of weight and friggin' fast, and without substantial exercise, but I don't have the willpower to torture myself to do it. The first few days on a no carb diet, anything with the smallest amount of sugar looks almost irresistable. I mean, I'm paying for gas at a gas station and I kid you not I am looking at tootsie rolls beside the register like an addict looks at crack, nearly salivating on the counter. I can't go around with cravings like this for a month, not gonna work.

The Atkins, South Beach, etc. folks will tell you that you are in fact addicted to sugar, and it is necessary to break your sugar addicition in these first few days of the diet. I dunno, maybe so, but not for me. Another thing I will say about these low carb diets, they never mention that half of that 8-13 pounds you are supposed to lose in the induction phase is water and glycogen. Tricky bastards. Don't you think people trying to lose FAT might want to know that?

Tomorrow morning is a big morning because although I have not had any ice cream or alcohol since I started this thing, I am NOT giving up booze with Thursday night football, especially the first games of the season. Tonight will be Coke Zero and bourbon, still tryng to stay away from the beer. We'll see if a man can still tie one on every now and then and still drop a few pounds.

1 comment:

  1. your wife is amazing. i bet she cringes at the mention of boiled peanuts and pork. :)
